Latihan Simple Future Tense dan jawabannya

Latihan Simple Future Tense dan jawabannya

Latihan Simple Future Tense dan jawabannya

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh latihan Simple Future Tense beserta jawabannya. Latihan ini terdiri dari berbagai jenis soal, seperti pilihan ganda, isian, dan perubahan kalimat.

1. Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah bentuk kalimat yang benar untuk Simple Future Tense.

  1. She _______ (call) you tomorrow.

    • a) call
    • b) will call
    • c) calls

    Jawaban: b) will call

  2. We _______ (go) to the beach next weekend.

    • a) will goes
    • b) go
    • c) will go

    Jawaban: c) will go

  3. I think it _______ (rain) later today.

    • a) rains
    • b) will rain
    • c) is rain

    Jawaban: b) will rain

  4. They _______ (finish) the project by next week.

    • a) will finish
    • b) finishes
    • c) will finishes

    Jawaban: a) will finish

  5. We _______ (watch) the new movie tonight.

    • a) will watch
    • b) watches
    • c) watch

    Jawaban: a) will watch

2. Isian (Fill in the Blank)

Isi dengan bentuk kata kerja yang benar dalam Simple Future Tense.

  1. I _______ (help) you with your homework tomorrow.

    Jawaban: will help

  2. They _______ (not come) to the party next week.

    Jawaban: will not come

  3. He _______ (buy) a new car next month.

    Jawaban: will buy

  4. We _______ (visit) our grandparents next holiday.

    Jawaban: will visit

  5. She _______ (not go) to the meeting tomorrow.

    Jawaban: will not go

3. Perubahan Kalimat ke Simple Future Tense

Ubah kalimat berikut ke bentuk Simple Future Tense.

  1. She writes a letter.

    Jawaban: She will write a letter.

  2. They play football every Saturday.

    Jawaban: They will play football next Saturday.

  3. I read a book tonight.

    Jawaban: I will read a book tonight.

  4. We clean the house every week.

    Jawaban: We will clean the house next week.

  5. He finishes his homework.

    Jawaban: He will finish his homework.

4. Kalimat Negatif

Ubah kalimat berikut ke bentuk negatif dalam Simple Future Tense.

  1. She will cook dinner tonight.

    Jawaban: She will not cook dinner tonight.

  2. They will travel to Japan next year.

    Jawaban: They will not travel to Japan next year.

  3. He will study for the exam tomorrow.

    Jawaban: He will not study for the exam tomorrow.

  4. We will go to the park this weekend.

    Jawaban: We will not go to the park this weekend.

  5. I will buy a new phone next month.

    Jawaban: I will not buy a new phone next month.

5. Kalimat Interrogatif (Pertanyaan)

Ubah kalimat berikut menjadi pertanyaan dalam Simple Future Tense.

  1. She will go to the market tomorrow.

    Jawaban: Will she go to the market tomorrow?

  2. They will finish the work next week.

    Jawaban: Will they finish the work next week?

  3. You will attend the meeting later.

    Jawaban: Will you attend the meeting later?

  4. We will visit them next Sunday.

    Jawaban: Will we visit them next Sunday?

  5. He will arrive at 8 PM.

    Jawaban: Will he arrive at 8 PM?

Latihan ini dapat membantu pemahaman dan penerapan Simple Future Tense dalam berbagai konteks. Simple Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Struktur umumnya adalah:

  • Positive: Subject + will + Verb (bare infinitive)
  • Negative: Subject + will not (won’t) + Verb (bare infinitive)
  • Interrogative: Will + Subject + Verb (bare infinitive)?
Keterangan: Bare infinitive adalah kata kerja bentuk pertama yang digunakan, baik dari kata kerja berbentu Irregular verb maupun Regular verb. 

Perhatikan contoh:

Irregular verb:

Present:  go   (sebagai infinitif)
Past :  went
Past Participle: gone

Regular verb:

Present:  play   (sebagai infinitif)
Past:  played
Past Participle: played


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