Todd: Hey Aimee, how are you today?
Aimee: I'm good, thanks, Todd. And you?
Todd: I'm good. Pretty good. Let's talk about your favorite things.
Aimee: OK.
Todd: What is your favorite food?
Aimee: Ooh! My favorite food is avocado.
Todd: Avocado?
Aimee: Honestly.
Todd: Wow!
Aimee: How about you?
Todd: My favorite food is pizza, I think. I love pizza.
Aimee: Oh, me too!
Todd: It's so good.
Aimee: It's so delicious.
Todd: Yeah.
Aimee: And what is your favorite movie?
Todd: Well, my favorite movie is Star Wars.
Aimee: Classic!
Todd: I know. And you? What is your favorite movie?
Aimee: Well, I do love Star Wars too, but my favorite movie Ferris Beuller's Day Off.
Todd: Ooh! I like that movie a lot. Very good. Very good. So I was in high school at the same time as the movie
Aimee: Were you?
Todd: Yeah!
Aimee: Great!
Todd: So cool. Who is your favorite actor?
Aimee: My favorite actor is Jean Reno.
Todd: Hmm, the Frenchmen.
Aimee: Yes. Yes, he's French, but he's been in a lot of American movies too.
Todd: Yeah, I like the movie, Leon.
Aimee: Love it!
Todd: It's very cool.
Aimee: Yes, I agree. How about you?
Todd: My favorite actor is Brad Pitt, so I like Brad Pitt a lot.
Aimee: He's great.
Todd: Yeah, he is good.
Aimee: Very talented.
Todd: Ah, who ... I'm sorry ... what is your favorite season?
Aimee: My favorite season is probably Spring. I think. It's ... the cool of winter has passed and it's not too hot yet, so I think Spring. How about you? What's your favorite season?
Todd: Oh, my favorite season is the Fall or Autumn. I love the Fall. I love the colors. It is not hot. It is not cold, and they are many holidays, and my birthday is in the Fall.
Aimee: They are great reasons to love Autumn.
Todd: So, when is your birthday?
Aimee: Actually, my birthday is also in Autumn. My birthday is in October.
Todd: Oh, wow! Me too. My birthday is also in October. What day?
Aimee: 14th!
Todd: 14th!
Aimee: And you?
Todd: The second. Cool! So next year let's have a birthday party together.
Aimee: OK.
Todd: October birthday party.
Aimee: Good idea.
Todd: So what is your favorite city?
Aimee: My favorite city is probably Osaka.
Todd: Oh, in Japan.
Aimee: Yes, yes. So far. Yes, Osaka is very noisy and colorful and the people are very open and talkative, so I really enjoy Osaka.
Todd: Nice.
Aimee: How about you? What's your favorite city?
Todd: I think my favorite city is Barcelona.
Aimee: Ooh, in Spain.
Todd: Yeah, it's very nice.
Aimee: It is.
Todd: It's warm. It's beautiful. The food is delicious.
Aimee: Yes.
Todd: People are nice.
Aimee: Yes.
Todd: But it's expensive.
Aimee: Right.
Todd: A little bit.
Aimee: Yeah.
Todd: But Osaka is expensive.
Aimee: That's true.
Todd: Very expensive.
Aimee: Yeah.
Todd: OK, thanks.
Aimee: Thanks, Todd.
Todd: Bye.
Aimee: Bye.
Buku conversation ini hadir untuk membantu semua yang sedang belajar conversation. Baik pelajar, mahasiswa, masyarakat umum baik tua maupun muda untuk belajar conversation atau speaking dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang lebih mudah. Materi dalam buku ini dimulai dari materi dasar dalam conversation yaitu greeting (sapaan) hingga pada materi stating prohibiton (menyatakan larangan). Buku ini berisi juga dialog-dialog yang sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Buku ini disajikan menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia. Sehingga siapa saja yang membaca buku ini, pasti akan segera lancar dalam conversation. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan soal-soal sesuai dengan topik conversation pada setiap bab. Sehingga Anda juga bisa mengukur kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan conversation sesuai dengan konteks situasi yang ada. Jadi jangan lagi bilang "Bahasa Inggris itu susah". Ya susah jika tidak mau belajar. Yuk jago berbahasa Inggris!
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