Keterangan :
Offering disini adalah menawarkan sesuatu pada orang lain, baik dengan cara yang sifatnya dengan resmi ( formal ) atau santai ( informal ). Begitu pula dengan menerima tawaran ( accepting an offer ) serta menolak tawaran ( refusing an offer).
Berikut ini contoh dialog tentang bentuk percakapan tentang menawarkan.
A tourist cannot find his way to the museum. He asks Merry whom he met on the way.
Tourist: Excuse me, Miss. Can you speak English?
Merry: Yes, I can. Anything I can help sir?
Tourist: I think I lost my way. Would you like to show me the way to the Batik Museum?
Merry: Well, you can get on a bus, from the bus station on the corner of this road, and then take the bus to Batik Museum. Do you need any more help?
Tourist: No. That's enough. Thanks anyway.
Merry: You're welcome, Sir.
Expression of Suggesting ( Ungkapan Saran )
Silakan tonton video berikut untuk pemehaman lebih lengkap.
Contoh di dalam penggunaan ungkapan saran dan nasehat dapat dilihat pada dialog berikut ini. Bagian yang berwarna biru merupakan kalimat ungkapan saran ( suggestion ) yang berkaitan dengan Offering, dan berwarna merah adalah ungkapan nasehat ( advice ).
Rahman: Hi Rani, would you like to do something with me this weekend?
Rani: Sure. What shall we do?
Rahman: I do not know. Do you have any ideas?
Rani: Why don't we see a movie?
Rahman: That sounds good to me. Which movie shall we see?
Rany: Let's see "Iron Man 4".
Rahman: I'd rather not like violent films. How about going to " Mad Doctor Brown?" I hear it's quite a funny movie.
Rany: OK. Let's go see that
Beberapa frasa yang berhubungan dengan suggestion dapat di lihat pada contoh di bawah ini :
1. How about + simple present?
" How about I pick you up at seven o'clock at the cinema?"
"That would be nice!".
2. How about/what about + gerund ( V-ing)
" How about starting a book club?"
"What about going to the cinema tonight, Budi?"
" That's a good idea!"
3. How about + noun
What about + noun
"How about some lunch ?"
" What about a coffee?"
4. Why not .......... ? and why don't .....?
Kita menggunakan kata why not untuk membuat saran secara umum.
Kita sering menemukannya dalam iklan.
"Why not spend your holiday at Marina Beach?".
"Why not treat yourself to a meal at the French House Cafe?"
" You look dizzy. Why don't you take this medicine and get a rest?"
"It's getting night. Why don't we stop playing this card and sleep?"
5. Let's ...... and let's not ......
Kita menggunakan kata Let's ( let us ) untuk membuat saran tentang melakukan sesuatu dengan seseorang.
"Let's see the kids playing marbles outside."
"Let's make a cake tonight."
" Let's not fight and go to sleep now."
"Let's not spend all this money."
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